The groundbreaking report, which outlines the path to form a lunar industry that creates value for Earth, was submitted to Japan’s Minister of State for Space Policy
TOKYO – Today, ispace joined a consortium of industry, legislators and academia, who collectively form a working group called the Lunar Industry Vision Council, in submitting a report to Japan’s Minister of State for Space Policy Inoue Shinji calling for the government to foster the creation of a lunar business ecosystem in Japan.
The report, titled, “Lunar Industry Vision: Toward the era of Planet 6.0” includes 6 industry determinations and 7 recommendations for government in order to form a globally competitive industrial base and to ensure the future success of Japanese companies in the lunar industry. The report was received by the Minister today.
An official statement from the Lunar Industry Vision Working Group can be read below.
Official Statement by the Lunar Industry Vision Council:
“Since the beginning of history, human beings have expanded their sphere of existence and economic activity through the exploration of new frontiers. In the near future, humans will expand their presence beyond Earth, including near and on the Moon, and a new lunar economic system will be realized. Governments and private companies worldwide are aware of this momentum. As such, legislation is underway to support commercial activity on the Moon; scientists and academics are preparing instruments for lunar research and development; and private companies are creating new services and roadmaps to build an economic connection between the Earth to the Moon.
With this in mind, the Lunar Industry Vision Council was formed with the primary objective to realize lunar exploration activities centered on industrialization in Japan. As such, the council convened thirty companies from across Japan to explore this effort and executive upon its objective. Following several months of dialogue and study, the council has compiled a report consisting of six resolutions and seven policy recommendations to be presented to the Japanese government.
The council is proud to announce that, on July 13, 2021, the report, which is titled, “Lunar Industry Vision: Planet 6.0” has been respectfully submitted to and duly received by Minister of State for Space Policy Inoue Shinji. It is with great honor that the council may conclude this undertaking. It is the council’s strong will and anticipation that this activity will lead to a “Lunar Industrial Revolution,” creating a private sector-led lunar industry that can provide benefit to Earth.”
The executive summary of the report can be accessed by clicking the “PDF” button at the bottom of this release. (The English translation of the full report will be available upon request in the near future)