Thanks for taking the time and showing interest in Space Agency, “all space in one place” lead gen platform.

We are a US based company, founded by Sergei Panov. Our goal is to find, educate, and provide private space companies with new potential customers for your products and services.
Our offer and value:
We bring you additional clients and investors
We prepare and educate the market, creating actual clients from potential clients and bringing them directly to you.
We heighten your brand recognition and company presence.
Risk and cost free promotion. There are NO up-front payments, no fees or minimums, and no subscriptions.

Every space company is unique in its services, products, location and brand image. Our goal is to bring clients that are closely aligned with your values, products, and services, in order to streamline the booking process.
How it works:
We ask for your current list of products and services with prices for end users and with a roadmap for future developments.
We promote your products and services within our business model
Once a client is ready to book any of the offerings by your company, we forward them to you.

How much does it cost?
We ask for a one time commission of 7%, paid after a client we bring you, books a service through our channel.
Reach out to us and we can send additional details of possible collaboration upon request.
Thanks and kind regards,
Sales Department, Space.Agency